Mr Shinichi Hayashi was appointed a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company on 1 April 2023. He graduated from the School of Engineering osaka University.

Mr Hayashi has over 35 years of working experience within the Panasonic organization. He joined Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (now known as Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Japan (“PHD”)) in April 1988 in the Metal Material Group, Corporate under the International Trade Division and was promoted to the position of Supervisor for the same Division in April 1994. He was then promoted as the Manager of High Technology Business Creation Group, Corporate under the International Trade Division in 2002 and in 2006 he was promoted to be President of Matsushita Techno Trading Co.,Ltd., a subsidiary of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd.

Mr Hayashi has since held various directorial and managerial positions across different divisions of the organization. He was appointed as Director of the Material Purchasing Centre of PHD on January 2013 followed by his appointment as the Managing Director for Panasonic Asia Pacific procurement Management Center, which is a Malaysian subsidiary of PHD. He was assigned to an international posting in January 2016 as the President of Panasonic Manufacturing Philippines. Since then, he was appointed as Director of Beauty Personal Care Division.

In october 2021, Mr Hayashi returned to Japan and held the position as Executive Vice President of the Living Appliances and Solutions Division for 3 consecutive years. He presently oversees the Corporate Planning, Asian Multi Products Manufacturing Company, Housing Appliance Business & Procurement Strategy.

Mr Hayashi has no shareholdings in the Company and its associated company. He also has no family relationship with any Director and/or major shareholder of the Company nor any conflict of interest with the Company. He did not attend any Board Meetings during the financial year as he was appointed to the Board only recently and has no convictions for any offences within the past 5 years, other than traffic offences, if any.